Haha maybe this guide easy to make but useful for beginner..
here's some guide..
Very useful for putting trap at the front during the breaker are trying to break the emperium so the attacker of other guild.
High Priest
Very useful to do aspersio to the breaker of enemy's guild and to put the safety wall on emperium also supporting the Defender of emperium and to heal the emperium.
Assasin Cross
The main job for break the emperium.. They can go to emperium withour notice using Cloak also they can use double dagger that have major damage.
Lord Knight
Very useful for break too because it's can caught the other breaker using it charge attack.Not like Assasin Cross Lord Knights damage's aren't too big ,but their defend are pretty good.
The most important job for defend.. They can spider web the breaker so the breaker won't move.. Also they can do Land Protector so the Defend team can survive from area attack..
Very useful when they're the master of the guild.. They can run into the emperium fast ( with spirit and speed potion ) and without notice also they can survive some attack by using hiding skill.. when they near the emperium use Emergency Call and destroy the emperium..
Useful for breaking enemy armor by spamming their Acid Demonstration and do some FCP to the guild's member..
Useful for defend.. because they can use their one hit skill : ASURA STRIKE
The other job maybe useful but the job's that most used are these jobs..
Hope you enjoy this guide
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